Sunday 19 July 2015

Parisian Nostalgia

Paris also known as the 'City of lights' was my home for the past year. 

Yes that's right, I was lucky enough to live in this beautiful city for a whole 12 months.

You must be asking yourself what I was doing out there?

I am aware that so far I haven't shared any personal information about myself on this blog.
Therefore, I was hoping that this post would tell you a little bit more about me... 

The reason why I was living in Paris is because as part of my university degree, I was required to take a placement year abroad in a French speaking country. So of course what better option did I have than to choose to live in Paris?

On Sunday mornings I had gotten into a routine of going for walks around the city. Part of the reason for this was because I wanted to stay healthy and do some exercise, however, it was also because I wanted to make the most of it because I knew that soon enough it would all be over :(

Since I have been back, the weather in the UK has been rainy- of course that's nothing new. So on this rainy day, I was feeling a particularly nostalgic about Paris. 

Whilst looking through my pictures, I thought you'd like it if I shared some of my favourites with you...

This is probably my personal favourite, taken exactly one year ago. Can you guess where it is?

For those of you who are soon to visit Paris or even for those lucky ones amongst you that live there. I'm not afraid to say that I'm jealous of you right now :')

Make the most out of it because honestly, the saying is true, 'You don't know what you have until it's gone'. 

Living in Paris was an amazing experience for me. However I didn't appreciate it enough because like most cases, when you live somewhere, after a while you stop to appreciate it's beauty, culture, lifestyle etc. 

It's only now that I realise how lucky I have been to have had the opportunity to live in such a beautiful place.

How about you, where do you live? 

I hope you enjoyed this little post and if you wish you can share and tell me which one of the pictures was your favourite.


Love, ML x


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