Friday 18 March 2016

YSL mascara, shocking or original?

Hello beautyholics,

I hope you've all been well.

I'm back again after some time...

Today I thought I would give you a quick review and personal opinion on two mascara's that I could not pass on reviewing for you guys.

As you guys know from my previous post I am a sucker for long lashes, one can say that I'm pretty much OBSESSED with long lashes! For me, when it comes to eyelashes the longer is always better ;)

So, today, I thought I would give you a quick review about two mascara's that have been hyped about over the years that I have finally managed to compare!

The first one is the YSL-Original Faux Lash Effect.

I had originally tried this mascara many years back and I absolutely LOVED it, so, I decided to come back to it again recently and I remembered exactly why I loved it so much the first time round.
It comes in a sleek gold packaging that looks very luxurious like most of the YSL or other high end beauty products.
The wand is made out of fibres (my favourite type) and each fiber is very close to each other. This literally means that it coats each lash and does not leave huge clumps in between.
Personally, this mascara literally does what it says. It gives them that "false" lash effect by coating each lash, lengthening and separating them. It is not best for volume, but with some thick winged liner it looks very dainty....

As you can see by the side-by-side picture, this is the result I got after just one coat! And it is buildable...
For me the results speak for themselves. The eyelashes are separated and they look defined and not clumpy.

The second mascara for review is the Shocking version of the original YSL mascara. Now I don't know where to begin with this one... Let's just say it's "shocking" for the wrong reasons!

I purchased this following my purchase for the YSL original as I wanted something that would give me the same effect as the original but with a big more volume. Like the original it does come in a beautiful golden sleek packaging and it is advertised to "exaggerate your lash look with shocking volume from every angle"... However, I'll let you be the judges of that...

As you can see, this mascara was VERY clumpy and drying! From the day that I opened it it felt like it was 3 months old ;/ The formula isn't as soft and liquid like the original version and it just does not do what the packaging says!

I was very disappointed with the result. Not to mention that I was really looking forwards to making this one of my favourite mascaras but, unfortunately, it has made it to the bottom of the list :(

I thought it would be useful for you guys to have a look at the differences in the wands. They are both similar but unlike the Original version the Shocking bristles are slightly further apart which in my opinion does not help with the "clumpiness"

So, in a nutshell: I will highly recommend trying out the original version as it is definitely a winner and it is up there with my top 5 favourite mascaras of all time! :D
But unfortunately given that they both retail at the same price (£25) I will be passing up on the Shocking effect and I shall not be recommending it.

Have any of you had the chance to try them both too? Let me know what you guys thought :)

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed :)


   Love, ML x


  1. I used to have YSL Shocking, I actually quite liked it! But I never tested it against the original, so no point of reference. Personally for all my designer Mascara tryouts I've always gone back to the Rimmel chunky-type mascara's, but my lashes are quite long and fine so they work better for me.

    Horses for courses I guess!

    Sofia x

  2. Hey Sofia,
    Thanks for commenting! I know some of my fave mascara's a L'Oreal ones. Sometimes high end mascara's aren't worth the extra money.
    Have a great day!
    Love, ML x


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