Monday 28 March 2016

LIEBSTER Blog Award #2

Hello there beauties,

I hope you've all had a great Easter.
I certainly did...overendulged in too many chocolates and cakes though (Ooops!)

So as you can tell from the title of this post this is my second Liebster Blog Award thanks to the lovely Alex a.k.a "The Lipstick Lady".
I am really happy to have had the chance to do this again as it really enables bloggers to get to know each other as well as my readers to get to know more about me.

So the way the Liebster award works is that you have to follow the following rules to participate:
  • Display the award on your Blog and thank the blogger who nominated you 
  •  Answer the questions provided by the person who nominated you on your blog 
  • Provide 11 facts about yourself
  • Nominate other new blogs who you think deserve the award and want to be recognised 
  • Create a new list of questions for those bloggers to answer and inform them that they have been nominated
So here are my answers to the questions that Alex had asked:

1. What’s your fave thing about blogging?
My favourite thing is that I get to disconnect myself from the rest of the world and it relaxes me. It’s a time where I can fully talk about things I enjoy. I also love reading reviews as blogs can really influence my decisions in purchasing certain brands etc.
2. What’s your fave thing about the blogging community?
I love how friendly and warm everyone is. It feels like everyone has known each other since forever. But above all, I like how we all share the same interests.
3. What’s your fave beauty tip?
I mentioned this in my previous Liebester Award. My all time beauty tip is to blink when you apply mascara as it really helps to coat each lash from the bottom up and it helps a great deal with length! You should try it if you haven’t already done so ;)
4. When did you start blogging/ why?
I’d been reading beauty blogs and watching fashion and beauty hauls since 2010. So finally in the summer 2015 I took the plunge to creating my own blog so that I could share my own beauty and product reviews.
5. Who is your biggest beauty inspiration/ why?
My biggest beauty inspiration is Kathleen Lights. I've been watching her videos a lot lately and it amazes me how she manages to always look so flawless in all of her video’s without looking “trashy” and her skin is just amazing!! 
Now here are the 11 facts about me...I have tried to give different ones to last time:

1. I have never dyed my hair apart from a slight ombré a few years ago

2. I am very short i.e.: 5ft
3. I dread the end of the day and having to take off my makeup...(I am soooo lazy with it)
4. Crisps are my weakness
5. I could live off Pizza
6. My favourite season is Summer and I'm one of those few people who actually don't like snow much
7. I bite my nails when I'm stressed
8. When I was younger I used to do Kung-fu
9. I'm scared of heights
10. I lived in Paris for a year during my placement
11. When I was kid  I used to say that I wanted to become an Astronaut 
I now would like to nominate the following bloggers: 
My questions for you ladies are the following: 

1. What is one of your best memories

2. What music are you in to?
3. Do you prefer Sweet or Savoury?
4. What is your favourite beauty tip?
5. Do you prefer drug-store or high end makeup?
6. Would you consider blogging as a career?
7. When did you start blogging and why?
8. What are your plans for summer 2016?
Thank you all for reading, I hope that you enjoyed it and I look forwards to hearing your answers! 


   Love, ML x


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